Tea with HB . Tea with HB .


November muffles illness in its gingerbread glow

prepare for the season of giving, smile at the snow

The fairy lights of December are a familiar blur

so it’s farewell 2024, what a year you were.

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Tea with HB . Tea with HB .


Well I've been stuck in a flare up cycle and there's nothing like chronic illness to confirm life does go on in my absence– I can't do anything about it– but I can

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Tea with HB . Tea with HB .

An Ode to Friendship

Here's the thing:

I've never met them.

They make me hate time zones.

I love them with all my heart.

I didn't know friendship could hurt so good-

We are so close... yet so far apart!!!

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Be the Change

‘Be the change you want to see in the world’ ...but in order for that change to be enacted, people have to see you so they can copy you. In order to influence others, you must have some kind of audience. To be the change, you need a platform! It is unfortunately not as simple as being. To be the change you want to see, you have to be seen. 

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