Monsters are Real
Monsters are real: Anxiety. Isolation. Fear. Illness. Loss.

Dealing with Social Media Hate
I heard Hank Green say that social media is no longer a place we visit, it is a place where we live. They have their own cultures, rules, they are as powerful as countries in their ability to influence, and yet they are not democratic.

International Women’s Day
Here’s to taking up space. Here’s to using exclamation marks in emails without shame. Here’s to loving things so much you can’t not talk about them!!!
Our Education System is Failing our Children
By treating creative subjects as less valuable we oppress whole groups of people. Never mind the fact that creativity is considered the main thing that differentiates us from computers and nature, the thing that makes us human…
I didn’t Know I was Disabled
It was only easy to call myself a liar rather than disabled, because it was easier for other people to ignore my needs rather than to help me.
The Window to the World is not a Screen
NHS Staff Deserve Better
Acknowledging that the healthcare system needs reform should not be controversial- and it is long overdue.

Medical Sexism
As women, we are dismissed all too often, considered hysterical rather than concerned, oversensitive rather than justified, dismissed rather than taken seriously. This happens to women everywhere but I want to specifically talk about sexism in the healthcare system.

Kintsugi* means golden seams and 2022 knows a thing or two about threads.

As I cut the cake and made my wish, it occurred to me that what I wished for is something that most people wouldn’t even think of.

The Sea Gets It
Is chronic pain like the sea? Such a shock at first but you get used to it once you're in it…

You Deserve Food
I just want you to know you deserve food.
But I'm walking on eggshells, and don’t want to fall through the cracks. So I don’t say a word, and watch you order pizza without cheese for all the wrong reasons.

The Cliff Edge
As a child, I used to think there was a 'right' and 'wrong' answer to every question, that adults know what they are doing, and that love is always enough. These things are nice concepts, and entirely untrue.
The Cliff Edge (Poem)
The endless cycle of chronic pain

I pleaded with 2020 to be gentle, to be kind. She had no such thing in mind. I asked nothing of 21. I've tried expectations and now I've tried none.
My Endometriosis Diagnosis
I Belong in Lockdown
Food shopping is not the triumph I thought it would be. I hadn’t been in a supermarket for almost two years…
Voting with an Invisible Disability
Walk carefully. Look a bit sad. Prove you are in as much pain as you feel….

Pain & Joy
This is the face of someone who has just been discharged from hospital and narrowly avoided an operation. This is…

Public Transport excludes almost 1/4 of the Public
We don’t notice how uneven the pavement is, how high curbs are, how narrow so many doorways are, no we really don’t notice half of our surroundings until we try to navigate the world in a wheelchair…
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