What are examples of Internalised Ableism?
Ableism is the view that disabled people are inferior. This belief seeps into our schools, buildings, governments, and more! Just like internalised sexism or internalised racism, everyone has internalised ableism. That’s why we all need to heal from it! That starts with noticing, so here are a few examples of ableism that can so easily become internalised.
When a disabled person's belief in themselves is undermined by their symptoms being dismissed, their needs being ignored, or their condition being denied.
Passive Pity
When disabled people are dehumanised by being pitied. They are seen as a community to feel sorry for or be inspired by, and this grants pre-disabled people the ability to be inactive or silent about the disability rights movement.
Toxic Positivity
A way to minimise a disabled person's feelings and blame them as though it is their mindset that is at fault, rather than the societal systems that are designed to oppress disabled people.
This is the belief that disabled people shouldn't exist and that eradicating disability would improve the human race… Here’s just a few reasons that is not true!
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