What is Chronic Pain?
Living with Chronic Pain…
I was 10 years old when my pain first stopped me from moving, attending school, being a child. I never knew there was a pain that existed that couldn't be healed. I knew heartbreak couldn't be fixed except with time. I knew the pain from somebody dying arrived in sharp stabs but eventually visited less often. I never knew that pain could come and never leave. I wish more people knew invisible, chronic, pain existed. Then it wouldn’t feel quite so isolating. I didn’t even know how to explain it t other people! How do I tell someone that I can’t do today what they saw me doing yesterday? How do you tell someone that you are in excruciating amounts of pain that can’t be cured or some days even managed? How do I prove I am in pain when I look fine? Well, hopefully these graphics will help explain what it’s like, so that we can communicate with others more effectively and feel more confident in ourselves. Special thanks to Shannon Barry for inspiring me all these years, listen to my podcast with Shannon, Vulnerabili-tea
Chronic pain management