Disability Benefits in the UK
Find out what you are entitled to with a Benefits Calculator
Contrary to popular belief, not everybody who is disabled actually receives disability benefits, even if they are eligible. I have been denied PIP, (Personal Independent Payment) twice, and not only was the process extremely painful and mentally and emotionally draining, it was degrading. Although this is bureaucracy and one shouldn’t take it personally… it is very personal. To deny resources to help me pay for life-saving medication and specialist food, never mind various mobility aids, is a very personal abuse. Marriage equality still does not exist in the UK, US, and many other countries, because disabled people can lose money upon getting married.
80% of people with disabilities live in the developing world and 50% of people with disabilities overall cannot afford healthcare. The number of people who think being disabled guarantees you riches or makes you a scrounger is so large because it is a taboo topic. The stigma around disability can only be eradicated if we talk about it! So share this with a friend. If only the disabled people ask for change, it will never happen. We must all work together to create a better world for all marginalised groups.
If you need help filling in your PIP form, this is a useful resource.